How do I treat my acne?

One of the most difficult skin conditions to treat is acne. It’s painful, it’s highly visible and it can eat away at our self-esteem.

We understand the complexities of acne. There are so many causes, it can be difficult to know exactly how to manage your acne symptoms.

But we’d like to help you.

No two cases are alike, and we believe that each patient needs to be treated on an individual basis. What works for one may not work for another. And what works for you today, may not work for you tomorrow, so we need to be ready to pivot.

In most cases, acne is a systemic problem, meaning it’s not always just about treating the skin. Oftentimes, hormones, diet, stress, environment, and many other factors can come into play. It’s our job to help you dial into what type of acne you are dealing with, and come up with a plan to manage it.

From products to treatments, even referrals out of our office, we will offer you as many resources as we can to help you come up with an actionable plan to help manage your acne.

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How do I start acne treatments?

Start by scheduling your Acne Management Facial Today.

At your appointment, you’ll experience a 50-minute facial designed to target the unique complexities of acne in a gentle yet effective way.

In your treatment, you’ll have a deep cleansing with a medical-grade cleanser chosen for your unique skin type. Following your cleansing, a chemical peel will be performed to exfoliate the top layers of dead skin and prepare your skin for extractions.

After the peel, we will gently extract blackheads, pustules, and blemishes in a safe and sanitary manner.

We will finish the service by cooling down the skin. Utilizing red-light and cool compresses, we will work to minimize inflammation to aid the skin in overreacting to the treatment.

You will leave our office with a recommendation for medical-grade products and a protocol custom-designed for your skin, your acne and your personal needs. Products are on hand and you can take them home from our office the same day to continue your treatment at home.

How often do I need acne treatments?

It is recommended that you have monthly facials to keep the skin cell turnover at a consistent rate, and to have continual analysis of your skin and make changes to your protocol as needed.

At-home care is also vital to the treatments of acne. Keeping your skin clean and hydrated and reducing inflammation between treatments is vital to the management of acne. Our professional Aestheticians will help you develop a management strategy that you can use daily at home to maintain results and fight breakouts as they rise up throughout the month.

Will acne ever go away?

In some cases, especially in teens, acne flareups may become less frequent as growth and development hormones level off, in the early to mid-20s. But for many, acne can be an issue that starts later (in the 20s-30s) and for women especially, can last for decades.

But there is hope.

In addition to acne management, we also offer treatments for the scarring caused by the acne as well as protocols and partners that will look at things deeper than just the skin. Hormone levels, environment, stress, diet, and other factors can be considered and regulated to bring some consistency to your treatments. We’ll help you navigate all of this.

When will I see results with my acne treatment?

At your first treatment you can expect that your skin will feel smoother, cleaner and some old or even active breakouts will likely feel like they will heal faster. Some superficial marks may be diminished depending on how your skin tolerates treatments

The best results you’ll see are cumulative. Expect that it will take 3-6 months minimum to figure out the complex root causes of your acne as well as what your skin needs to fight it. Some patients see results quickly, others need more time. But all of these scenarios are in the normal range for the tricky nature of acne.

What to expect at your acne treatment sessions.

When you arrive for your first visit, please come 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork. This will help your aesthetician see an overview of your skin, lifestyle and what you are using currently.

Once you are in the treatment room, you’ll spend a few minutes going over your paperwork with your aesthetician before the actual treatment gets started. This time is important as we gauge each session what is working and what isn’t and develop a plan that works for you.

When you leave, your skin will be clean, smoother and hydrated. It’s recommended you leave your skin with the products we apply until the next day to allow maximum penetration. If you apply makeup after your treatment, make sure you DO wash your face before you go to bed and reapply there commended products.

How much will the products cost?

At Taylor Drive Facial Aesthetics, we use medical-grade products. We test and try every product line before it goes on our shelves because we will not recommend anything if we don’t believe in it ourselves.

Just like acne treatment, product prescriptions will vary from patient to patient. Expect your initial visit to spend between $150-$300 in products. If you are already using something that has been working, it may be less. If you are starting from scratch with medical-grade products, you may spend more initially. But we’ll make sure you know what you are getting and how much it will cost.

Do you offer payment plans on acne treatments?

We do!

We proudly partner with Cherry to bring you monthly payment installments on your treatments and products to make them more affordable. Simply click here to apply and once approved, you can set up your appointments and get started. You’ll control your payments and frequency to come up with a plan that works for your budget.

How do you get rid of acne when nothing works?

The key is being consistent and preparing for the long game. Listen to the advice given by your Aesthetician, and if necessary, follow up with a dermatologist. What you use on your skin matters, but also what you put in your body matters. So we will address all of that together.

Most of all, don’t give up hope.

Sometimes simple things work when complex things failed in the past. Or sometimes you’ve tried all of the things your friends and family “swear work” but you are seeing no results…or worse, your acne only gets more aggressive. The truth is, there is no canned treatment that will work for every patient. We will help you develop a personalized treatment protocol that will likely even change with time as we analyze what is working for you and what isn’t.

But the best part is.. you won’t be doing this alone. You’ll have professionals to walk alongside you and encourage, support, and educate you on what is happening with your skin. You’ll have someone to call and ask questions as you navigate your acne treatment, and someone to celebrate the small wins with you!

What if my acne has healed, but I still have scars that I’d like to get rid of?

You would be an ideal candidate for micro-needling! Micro-needling will help reduce the appearance of red scars as well as build collagen and elastin underneath the skin, helping your skin repair itself. Chemical peels added to micro-needling will also help address deeper scars from picking or pockmarks. These will take more time, but we’ve seen beautiful results with this protocol on patients.

Begin by setting up an appointment for an acne management treatment and we’ll customize a plan to minimize those scars and renew your skin!

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